Operation da Vinci,
a project where artists can release their artworks to be found.
Go for it!
Release one of your artworks!
latest released artworks
Have you an artwork to share?
Did you find
an artwork by?

Want to see all the artworks that have been released through Operation da Vinci?
Do you want to know all the artists participating in the Operation da Vinci project?
What is meant by releasing a work?
It refers to releasing an artwork in the public space with the intention that someone finds it and can take it freely, without asking for anything in return.
What is the process I must follow to release an artwork?
- You need to register as a user. You can do it here.
- Enter the information about your artwork and print the letter that you must attach.
- Protect your artwork from bad weather, as you will be leaving it in a public space and we do not want it to be damaged. Attach the letter. This letter explains the #opdavinci project and tries to ensure that its traceability is not lost..
- Go to the place you had in mind and hide your artwork. Through the mobile, open opdavinci.com and geolocate it.
- Since you’ve left the house and are done, take the opportunity to meet a friend to have coffee together..
Consult this page: release artwork
Where is the best place to release it?
Imagination is power! We are creative! I recommend not leaving it too visible so as not to increase the chances that it will be taken by someone who later does not notify the collection (thus losing the traceability of the artwork). Don’t overdo it by hiding your artwork, either!
I recommend that the place you choose is easily and freely accessible, that it does not endanger the people who want to pick it up, and that it is possible that people with reduced mobility can also access.
Can I release an artwork that is not my authorship?
No, the author of the released artworks must be the person who released them. Do not forget, that we are sharing our creations, our art.
Another thing is that you are releasing again an artwork made by another author that you had previously collected through OpDavinci.
And when someone finds our artwork… what then?
In the letter that we have attached to our artwork, the project is explained. In it, the person who has found the artwork is asked to notify the collection on opdavinci.com website, in case the artwork at last is collected, entering the code supplied in the letter and, voluntarily, an email, to try not to lose the traceability of the artwork.
I need more information about what I commit to if I decide to participate in the Operation da Vinci project. Where can I consult it?
There is no commitment or commercial intention or cheating behind it. This project only wants those creatives/artists who want to be able to share their artworks without expecting anything in return.
However, if you wish, you can consult the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.
Thalía Hernández Monroy
TH Diseño-Publicidad
I take photographs..
David Allende (OpDavinci.com):
If you want to participate in the project, you could also take part with a photograph! It is designed for any artistic expression. 😜😜
Marcela Torres
Art director at Kether Art Design
I am a graphic designer 🖤 art director. ……
David Allende (OpDavinci.com):
I have been a graphic designer for several years as well. As creatives, we are always “fooling around” with a multitude of artistic expressions. If this is your case, feel free to participate with one of your creations! 😜 Or, for exemple, can you imagine sharing one of those posters that you are proud of so that whoever finds it can frame it? Wouldn’t that be just as interesting? 🙃 There is room for all artists/creatives here.